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Supasaito participated in the "Startup Career Night" hosted by Takeoff Tokyo at Moon Creative Lab on June 28. The event was held for students with a global mindset interested in startups and startups or VCs looking to hire interns.
「Startup Career Night」
Around 120 people attended the “Startup Career Night”, where eight startups and VCs, which are strengthening their recruitment efforts, gave pitches.
From Supasaito, CEO Igor gave a pitch explaining the challenges Supasaito is tackling and the services addressing those challenges. He also shared what kind of talents we are looking for to join our team.
During the networking session after the pitches, students, job seekers, startups, and VCs actively engaged in networking. Igor Yoshimi Imada from Supasaito participated in the networking, connecting with students and startups and VCs with a global mindset.
About Supasaito Academy
Supasaito operates Supasaito Academy, Japan's largest Webflow school. At Supasaito Academy, you can learn the knowledge and skills necessary to create websites in-house. In addition to online video courses, you can ask questions via chat and consult with instructors through individual video calls.
About Takeoff Tokyo
Takeoff Tokyo is a startup conference for startups aiming to go global from Japan. Takeoff Tokyo provides next-generation entrepreneurs with networks of ambition, talent, and funding, fostering a "The International Terminal of Startups" that aims to produce globally top-level companies from Japan.
Final Words
Through pitching at this event, Supasaito was able to introduce their new services they are focusing on to students and startups/VCs and garner interest.
If you are interested in joining the Webflow community or Supasaito, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will keep updating information on our official website and social media, please follow us.
Join us and be a part of Supasaito Academy!: Register for free here
Don't forget to check out the Webflow Japan Community too: Visit the official site here