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event report

July 24 Event Report: How to Make it When 96.9% Companies Fail

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On July 24th 2024, Supasaito held a special event where experts in website development, design, and performance marketing shared their tips on overcoming Japan's market challenges at Google for Startups Tokyo Campus. Learn valuable strategies and connect with people who can help your business grow in Japan.

Talk Sessions


Humble Bunny is a brand-Centric Performance Marketing Agency based in Tokyo, Japan. ​During this event, Nathan Hoernig who is the founder of humblebunny shares his personal story about cultural misunderstandings and how he got settled in Japan. After giving his brief and unique stories, he talked about why many companies had failed to be in Japan. Lastly, he introduced the LocaRISE solution and the 8 Lenses framework: Detail, Durability, Social, Aesthetic, Local, Certified, Scale, and Process. 


Nowthen is a venture design studio bringing bold visions to fruition based in Tokyo, Japan. Should you localize your website/product for Japan? Yes! “Localizing your design will increase your chance of making it in Japan,” that’s what the founder of nowthe, Raphael Hodéael said during his presentation at the event. He also mentioned about the high context culture and how to make the brand more acceptable for people in Japan. At last, he said,” Start with global patterns. Apply some local best practices. Test. Learn. Iterate. 


Igor Voroshilov is a startup founder of Supasaito - a web company based in Harajuku, Tokyo. In his presentation, he talks on how important the website is for the startup and how webflow will overcome the coding barrier with no-code solutions. He also explains how Supasaito got its first and the enterprise clients: RICOH, For startups, and Earthbrain. 

Networking and Final Words

The event followed with 30 minutes Q&A sessions and networking, where the audiences and the speakers can talk and chat in their own time. 

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